Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 3

Not much to report...just more drywalling! We have been using hand tools to cut each piece, and because the ceilings in the back house are a few inches shy of 8', we can't use the drywall pieces in whole, we have to cut each one down, and then of course there are 24 outlets to cut around. Yes, 24 (electrical, phone jacks, cable outlets, etc). The whole back house is only 475 sq. ft., yet there are 24 outlets in the living room alone. If memory serves, there are 5 light switches in the bathroom, as well as 2 phone jacks and at least 4 electrical plugs. TWO phone jacks, in the BATHROOM. The bedroom, interestingly enough, has only 4 outlets. They must have gotten tired.

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